Ayurveda, the ancient oriental medical system, deals with various aspects of life in its healthy and unhealthy status. The entire knowledge resource is classified in to Swastha Vrutham (The preventive) and Athura Vrutham (The Curative). The former section includes the Dinacharya (Daily regimes) and Rtu charya (Seasonal Regimes). The later section classifies the therapeutic modalities broadly into two. Which are Shodhana chikitsa (Purificatory therapy) and Shamana chikitsa (Curative therapy). Shamana chikitsa is also known as Panchakarma Chikitsa often translated as Detoxification therapy. It is one of the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic treatment. It promotes detoxification of the living body and ensuring the rejuvenation whole body system. The term Pancha denotes the meaning “Five” and the word Karma denote the meaning ‘action’. The five therapeutic modalities are
1. Vamana (Therapeutic Emesis)
2. Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation)
3. Basti (Medicated Enema)
4. Nasya (Nasal Insufflations)
5. Raktamokshana (Blood letting therapy)
This five fold therapeutic practice is conducted by various many other assisted therapies. The approach of Shodhana therapy is advocated in the various metabolic disorders and also administered as a preventive measure from various disease conditions.