Kalaripayatt Movement Therapy

Kalarippayattu Movement Therapy ‘KMT’ is a healing methodology in its evolution, based on the movement aspect of Kalarippayat practice. In recent years there have been significant development in, understanding human movements in relation with physio-psychological theories. This has brought newer insights about the various Kalarippayattu Movement can be used to bring about change in the functional qualities of human mechanism.

The underlying principle of KMT is that body and mind are inseparable. All our experiences are stored in the body memory. Body movement reflects inner emotional states and that changes in movement of behavior, which in turn lead to changes in the psyche. Every individual is capable of being creative and the creative process itself is healing.KMT lays emphasis on self-expression and self-exploration. It provides a frame work for building interpersonal relationship, body image and personality development.

Kalarippayattu Movement Therapy has a broad range of health benefits. It has been demonstrated to be clinically effective at improving breathing mechanism, digestive metabolism, sleeping patterns. It can also reduce stress, fears and anxieties, as well as lessen feelings of isolation, body tension, chronic pain, and depression. In addition it can enhance the functioning of the body’s circulatory systems and musculoskeletal functionalities. Kalarippayattu Movement Therapy has also been shown to benefit adolescent and adult psychiatric patients, the learning disabled, the mentally handicapped, and the elderly. Proponents of Movement therapy claim that it has also been used successfully to help people deal with brain injury, arthritis, stroke, cancer, and a number of other physical ailments.

Hindustan Kalari sangam, striving to explore the higher fields of the efficacy of KMT. The researches in this filed also incorporate the aspects of Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda.